Like I said a while ago, May is a busy month for us. This past weekend we celebrated Layla's 4th Birthday. Our parties are not huge, some friends from kinder and cousins and family, at home with homemade food, homemade decorations and homemade take home bags. This is all lovely as we enjoy the process of preparing for the party as much as the party itself. But now, I am pooped!
It was lovely but truthfully, having Zahara's birthday only two weeks ago, I'm glad it's over.
In any case, here are my party principles:
1. We don't invite the whole class or even just the girls from the class. The girls are allowed to pick 3-6 friends. This plus two siblings and four cousins is plenty.
2. We handmake our invitations, decorations and take home bags. We do this because
- the girls can all be involved in the birthday celebrations and feel a part of it
- their handiwork is proudly displayed during the party
- it gives us something to do after school
- I want to teach them that you don't always have to buy things, you can make beautiful things (that aren't perfect) at home.
3. Parties are in our own home. This is because I like to do things my way and also because it's just nicer and more intimate. It's also probably more comfortable for the girls.
4. Birthday girls are allowed to choose whatever theme they like (or gently guided).
5. Prior to the party, we talk through manners, being a nice host and what we say to our guests when they give us presents and also when they say goodbye.
6. Treats are included in the kids party food, but so is fruit and cut up vegies. I don't go overboard on the junkfood. For Layla's party we had jelly and fairy bread, as well as sandwiches, strawberries and cucumber, carrots and peppers.
7. Give kids a snack right before party so they are relaxed and comfortable. Enjoy, savour and celebrate.
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